Friday, 27th October 2017

Alton Lions hand over cheque for £2200 to Cardiac Rehab

Alton Lions President Mike Gwynne hands over cheque for £2200 to Nikki Radcliffe, CEO of Cardiac Rehab, from funds raised at the Lions Annual Golf Tournament.

Nikki Radcliffe, Cardiac Rehab’s new CEO, popped down to Worldham Golf club on 12th October to say a hearty thank you to the Alton Lions Club. Their annual Golf tournament raised an impressive £2,200 for Cardiac Rehab. The Tournament, now in its tenth year, takes place at Test Valley Golf Club with an impressive line-up of pro-amateur golfers.  The day was won by Les’ Misérables. They hope to hang onto their crown in 2018 to become Less Misérables!

Find out more about the Cardiac Rehab centre

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