Wednesday, 22nd April 2020

The Cardiac Rehab 26 Miler – part of The 2.6 Challenge

We have taken the plunge and have signed up for The 2.6 Challenge!

The Cardiac Rehab Staff & Instructors will be walking, running or cycling from their homes to raise money for the Cardiac Rehab Charity. 

We are raising money to support the Rehab Centre whilst it remains closed during the Covid-19 lock down. Our Centre helps people with, or at risk of developing heart disease plan a healthier path for their future.

Starting on 26th April, 12 members of the team will each be doing a walk, run or bike ride every day for 26 consecutive days. Everyone will travel a minimum of 1 mile either on foot or on a bike. We will record how far we actually go, and take a photo whilst we’re out, and then share these.

We will keep our progress updated on our blog and share updates on Facebook too so please keep an eye out!  How far will we go…?!

You can sponsor this Challenge by visiting: or click on the button below.  NB Heather has a slightly different link here: and would also value any support you are able to give.

Feeling inspired? 

We all know that exercise is good for us (Dr Hugh’s Blog provides the proof for any doubters – so why not set up your own 2.6 Challenge and get family and friends to sponsor you.  Just click on the button below

Just remember to please use the following guidance in order to stay safe:

• Stay local and use open spaces near to your home where possible – do not travel unnecessarily

• You should only go outside alone or with members of your own household

• Always keep at least 2metres (6ft) apart from anyone outside your household

• Gatherings of more than two in parks or other public spaces have been banned and the police will enforce this

• If you have a garden, make use of the space for exercise and fresh air

• Take hygiene precautions when you are outside, and wash your hands as soon as you are back 

Find out more about the Cardiac Rehab centre

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