The Big Give Christmas Challenge

Donations Doubled!
£1 = £2

The Christmas Challenge 2024 will take place between 3rd and 10th December when donations to participating charities are doubled.

The Big Give Christmas Challenge 2024 is a match-funded giving campaign. We are delighted that our champion is: Hampshire Cricket Foundation

We are raising funds for our appeal, The Active Health Support Fund 2024:

The Cardiac Rehab Centre provides rehabilitation for patients after a heart attack, primary prevention of heart disease, falls prevention, pulmonary rehab and a newly launched cancer rehab service. To help achieve the best health outcomes, we need a skilled health programme team to assess, induct and monitor our exercisers. We also need to upgrade the digital support for real-time heart monitoring during exercise, to give the best service for exercisers on our programmes.


Led by our GP-cardiologist, our health programme team will provide medically directed assessment of referred patients to ensure they join the right health programme for them, with the right type of exercise. Also, by using real-time heart rate and rate of perceived exertion monitoring with digital feedback to exercisers in class, the effectiveness of the exercise routines will be improved in order to give better exercise-health and wellbeing-health outcomes for participants.

 One donation – twice the impact!

Donations can only be accepted during an online campaign via a special Big Give website page between 3rd and 10th December 2024.

How does the Christmas Challenge Work?

The Christmas Challenge is a match funding campaign where donations to participating charities are doubled.  The match funds come from pledges that we have secured over the summer.  This pot is used to double donations from online supporters when the campaign is live. The video from the 2022 campaign explains further:


Find out more about how we are funded

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