Thursday, 15th August 2019

Exercise, Fitness and Health by Hugh Bethell

​The benefits of regular physical activity on health, longevity and well-being easily surpass the effectiveness of any drugs or other medical treatment. Chief Medical Officer, 2009.

After many decades of medical practice, how I agree with that statement.  So I have written a book about exercise, fitness and health – explaining some of the facts about exercise and the conditions which exercise can prevent or treat. 

While awaiting its publication I have created a website and blog to let people know just how effective exercise and other physical activity is for maintaining good health and a long and active life.  It is an interactive blog which encourages the readers to respond and add their experiences.  Readers can also opt to receive regular updates to their email addresses.


Exercise, Fitness And Health | The Recent Scientific Data

This blog, exercise fitness and health, tells you about the health benefits of taking regular physical exercise.
Being physically active is the effective way of ensuring a healthy life.

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