Wear it Red for Rehab
February is heart awareness month and we would like your help
On average there is one death every three minutes in the UK due to heart and circulatory diseases (source: BHF statistics Jan 2020). Our heart health programmes help those suffering from, or at high risk of developing, heart disease live a healthier life for longer. And we want your help to shout about this!
Simply WEAR IT RED on the 14th February then share your photos with us on Facebook #WearItRed4CR or email them to hearty@cardiac-rehab.co.uk – and encourage your friends and family to join in too. You can simply choose one item of red clothing, or go all the way in head-to-toe redness, but the more people who take part, the more people can find out about our work.
If you would like, a small donation to Cardiac Rehab will help us reach even more people with our work – you can donate online or at the Centre. Alternative you could ask family and friends to sponsor you – contact us for a form.
Thank you for your support and we can’t wait to see your photos!