Frailty & Care of the Elderly
I have now sent you five blogs expressing the view that frailty is not inevitable – it is preventable. If everyone was more physically active the prevalence of frailty would fall and over time the number of frail elderly would progressively decrease – prevention would be better than the need to provide the facilities for managing this scourge.
Even I, though, have to admit that a general increase in the exercise taking of our population will take a long time to achieve – and that any effect on the prevention of frailty will not be along any time soon. In the meantime we do need to improve the services provided for the dependent elderly – the so called “Social Care” system.
The view from inside
I am lucky to have a friend who has been very involved with the provision of both health and social services. This is his take on the problems.
I shall call him David – he was Chairman of a County Health Authority covering the care of about half a million souls with a budget of £1/2 billion.
“Early on I was made aware of the problem of bed-blocking and set out to tackle the Chairman of the County Council Social Services. I rang and asked for a meeting to discuss funding of social care, but instead of a meeting he invited me to spend a day with him. He took me first to a large house milling with people and explained that it was housing for children who were put on planes by their parents in very poor countries and who on the flight destroyed their passports. They arrived at Gatwick Airport as stateless lone children, responsibility for whom fell to West Sussex County Council Social Services.
“We then went to a school for disabled children; until then I had no concept of the lives of disabled children and had hardly ever seen one. This school, not the only one in the County, looked after and educated children with the most terrible disabilities, many so damaged they could do nothing for themselves. I had thought of Social Services as merely providing care for people at home. My eyes were opened.
“I was Chairman of a home for Disabled ex-Servicemen; we gave home to any disabled ex-serviceman or woman whether they could pay us or not. Social Services referred many to us, paying less than the keep of someone old but capable. However they referred disabled service people, some very seriously disabled. The charity made up the difference. This became increasingly difficult and the Chief Executive asked me to request higher payment from Social Services: a waste of time.
“Hospital care is paid for by the NHS, funded by Government taxation. When someone needing care is discharged from hospital (s)he passes into the care of Social Services, funded by County Council rates/council tax. With the problems faced by Social Services it is unsurprising that they should seek to leave people in hospital. There is no way round this while the two are funded from different pots. The only way forward is to fund Social Services within the NHS which requires extra Government taxation and a reduction in rates. It will be a brave politician who seeks to achieve that.”
What next?
As far as the care of the frail elderly is concerned, the main message from David’s experience is the separation of financial responsibility. Hospitals are funded by the Government via general taxation while social care is funded via local authorities via the rates. Each has its own corner to defend.
We need a joined up process and funding for a holistic approach to those who need hospital treatment, with aftercare being part of the package. In the meantime the queues of ambulances outside A & E departments seem bound to grow.
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Have not some NHS trusts and Local Authorities managed to create a much more joined up system, parts of Manchester I think? If so, then these examples should be much morewidely publicised.
Unfortunately Local Authorities have deliberately had their government funding cut while having their ability to raise money through Council tax increases resticted, so that as George Osborn admitted, public anger at cuts was directed locally rather than Central Government. government
Thanks for this further insight – perhaps we can dream to hope!
There needs to be publicised appreciation of all these demands on Social Services.
There needs to be a National Health & Social Care pathway funded to improve seamless transition home when people ‘fit’.
A change of government to one elected by PR would help.
Radical changes to taxation policy needed, and profits allowed…….
Thanks Jane – absolutely!
I agree that the funding needs to be managed from the same pot. I think also that social care workers are seriously underpaid and lack the opportunity for professional development that is available in the NHS. Care workers unlike railway workers have no effective bargaining position, either for pay or professional development. I do not wish railway workers ill, but I find it difficult to support pay for train drivers that is so much higher than care workers.
Thanks Martin – we really need to take better care of our diminishing stock of care workers.
A great insight from your friend David, based on experience.
Stay cool, have a pleasant summer, Hugh.
Thanks Numa
You have hit the nail on the head again, Hugh. Disconnected planning at all levels of government seems to be endemic. We are, sadly, a country which has demonstrated that it can be efficient and effective when it comes to military planning but also one which demonstrates shambolic disorganisation in many spheres of everyday life. The elderly and needy simply fall between the cracks
Thanks Ian –
My wife 81 collapsed fractured several vertebrae, several ribs and head. Waiting 7 hrs for ambulance, 12 hrs in the ambulance then 10 hrs on a trolley in a corridor before admittance to a ward where she stayed for twelve nights. Of the 30 plus patients 25 were bed blocking dementia patients due to care centre closures or lack of staff. This was three weeks ago at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth
That’s a terrible story Chris. It would be good to think that it was an exception but I fear not.